Mediante el Decreto de Alcaldía N. 007-2024-A/MPS, la Municipalidad Provincial del Santa dispone el embanderamiento de las viviendas, comercios, edificios públicos y privados de la ciudad, del 15 al 31 de julio, como acto cívico al conmemorarse el 203.° aniversario de la independencia del Perú.
When you browse through videos at YouTube, which do you usually click first: one with around 10 views or one with around 75,000 views? If you’re normal, then you’re much more likely to click on YouTube videos that have a lot of clicks already.
The logic is simple. The more views a video has, the more interesting the video must be. After all, why would a video gain so many views if it’s dull or uninteresting, right? Indeed, the bandwagon mentality works very well at YouTube – so why not use it to market your videos at YouTube?
We are pleased to be able to support the local industry by growing our team to provide analytical testing services. – Mark Johnson